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Leadership vision for 2020 : the Secret formula to enterprise architecture and technology innovation success

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<title>Leadership vision for 2020</title>
<subTitle>: the Secret formula to enterprise architecture and technology innovation success</subTitle>
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<namePart>Gartner Enterprise Architecture & Technology Innovation Summit 10-11 June 2020 London</namePart>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Innovation is set to be one of the most important new capabilities for enterprise architecture (EA). As key enablers for digital business, EA leaders are responsible for using innovation to help drive organization growth as well as balance the risks and benefits of these new approaches. As critical advisors to leadership teams, EA leaders must also understand and track innovative technologies, anchor them in the business model to assess their potential, and use rapid prototyping approaches to evolve innovations. The 10 recommendations in this e-book will help you be successful in the digital age. This is also a useful guide that provides input for strategy planning to help you prepare presentations for leadership, peers and teams as you work to achieve your goals.</abstract>
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