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Stormy forecast

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Papachristou, Dimitris
Stormy forecast / Dimitris Papachristou
Sumario: Memories in insurance are often short. After Hurricane Andrew in 1992 caused problems for London Market insurers, there were not many hurricane losses until 2004, when four major hurricanes seriously impaired the profitability of several insurers. The following year, three major hurricanes including Katrina hit the US, leading to talk of increased hurricane activity and clustering. The debate then faded until, in 2017, a number of strong hurricanes caused much damage to the US and Caribbean. Climate change has put the Atlantic Basin in the spotlight, with a renewed interest in clustering
En: The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries. - London : Redactive Publishing, 2019-. - 01/04/2020 Número 3 - abril 2020 , p. 24-27
1. Huracanes . 2. Riesgos meteorológicos . 3. Seguro de riesgos extraordinarios . 4. Empresas de seguros . 5. Mercado de seguros . 6. Cambio climático . 7. Tendencias . I. Título.