Pesquisa de referências

Accident Excess of Loss

Accident Excess of Loss. — [S.L] : Mercantile and General Reinsurance company limited, 1968-1969
Pertenece a la donación de la biblioteca particular de D. Camilo Pieschacón Velasco
Contiene: January 1968, february 1968, november 1968, june 1968, august 1968,May 1969, september 1969, october 1969, august 1969. — Sumario: The author of this papaer has made some studies of accident excess of los business, and has come to the conclusión that a substantial increase in the general level of rates for this type of bussines is needed. Only a broad indication of the statistical researches is given but it is hoped that a sufficent explanation of the methods adopted has been given to eneable the reader to appreciate the proposed method of adjusting the burning cost, and so proceed to the consideration of the appropriate rate
1. Reaseguro . 2. Reaseguro de exceso de pérdida . 3. Empresas . 4. Beneficios . 5. Pérdidas . 6. Métodos estadísticos . I. Mercantile and General Reinsurance Company Limited . II. Título.