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Economics of aging : the future of retirement

Morrison, Malcolm H
Economics of aging : the future of retirement / Malcolm H. Morrison. — New York [etc.] : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987
294 p. ; 23,5 cm
Pertenece a la donación de la biblioteca particular de D. Camilo Pieschacón Velasco
Sumario: Over the short span of forty years, retirement has become an important concern for the American people. Almost every day, articles and comentaries appear in publications throughout the country on the economic, social, and psychological consequences of retirement. Such headlines as "Social Security Costs To Rise," "Age for Mandatory Retirement In creases," and "The Aging of America," are now commonplace. It is clear that interest in retirement and its consequences has been heightened primarily because of rising costs of public and private retirement benefits, and serious concern as to whether these costs can be af forded in the future. Underlying these significant cost increases for retirement income programs are a series of demographic and economic changes occuring in our society. The results of these changes are just beginning to affect our society, their future consequences will pose serious economic and social challenges in the years ahead. This book examines the future of retirement by reviewing current economic and social trends in retirement behavior, retirement income, and worklife patterns and discusses their probable consequences in the future. A variety of policy issues are examined concerning the financing of future retirement benefits, changes in future worklife patterns, and alternative policy choices in resolving future financial and social problems connected with retirement. Almost every industrialized country in the world continues to experience an overall aging of the population and a continuing decline in labor force participation by older workers as a direct result of earlier retirement. With declining birth and death rates, and improved health at older ages, it is clear that most countries will face a significant challenge in supporting increased older populations of the future
ISBN 0-442-25553-5
1. Ageingnomics. Economia senior . 2. Jubilación . 3. Ageingnomics. Senior economy . 4. Sistemas de pensiones . 5. Previsión social . 6. Envejecimiento de la población . 7. Estados Unidos . I. Van Nostrand Reinhold . II. Título.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Assinatura: MAP - 40 MOR ECO — Nº de registro: 052458
Empréstimo: DisponívelDisponível