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Impact of inflation on the insurance sector

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Impact of inflation on the insurance sector. — Frankfurt : European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, 2023
84 p.
Sumario: The change of the economic narrative brings new challenges and opportunities to the European insurance industry which deserve to be analysed in depth. This report, after a brief digression on the inflation episodes observed in the past, explores from a theoretical and empirical perspective how the change of the economic environment impacted the capital, liquidity and profitability of insurers and what might be the future implications
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Empresas de seguros . 3. Inversiones . 4. Inflación . 5. Aspectos económicos . 6. Rentabilidad . 7. Modelos de negocio . 8. Evaluación de impacto . 9. Europa . I. EIOPA . II. Título.