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H1 2023 - a brief overview of main incidents in industrial cybersecurity

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H1 2023 - a brief overview of main incidents in industrial cybersecurity. — Moscu : Kaspersky, 2023
31 p.
Sumario: Ransomware and other criminally motivated attacks have become a plague on industrial organizations around the world. Our report for H1 2022 includes seven cases of hacktivist attacks and 10 cases of criminal ransomware attacks. In H2 2022, this increased to 40 cases of cybercrime incidents, and one hacktivist attack. Now in the current report, we have 67 cybercrime cases. As you can see, the dynamic is far from encouraging. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Ciberseguridad . 2. Empresas . 3. Ciberataques . 4. Ransomware . 5. Gerencia de riesgos . 6. Pérdidas . 7. Análisis de siniestralidad . I. Kaspersky . II. Título.