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Turkey earthquake tops 2023 industry losses outside us cresta releases Q4-2023 update of clix industry losses

Turkey earthquake tops 2023 industry losses outside us cresta releases Q4-2023 update of clix industry losses. — Zurich : CRESTA, 2024
2 p.
Sumario: CRESTA provides industry loss data on international (non-US) Cat events which have generated losses to the insurance industry in excess of USD 1bn. In 2023, there were seven events with industry losses exceeding this loss threshold. A further two events in 2023 severe convective storms in Germany in mid-June and severe convective storms in Eastern Australia in late December have the potential to exceed the USD 1bn loss level and are currently under investigation
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Seguros paramétricos . 3. Catástrofes naturales . 4. Pérdidas . 5. Terremotos . 6. Turquía . I. Título.