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The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries, Num. 9, January/February 2024

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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">A.Editorial. New year, fresh ideas/ Yiannis Parizas welcomes in 2024 -- President and CEO comment. Its an exciting year ahead for both the IFoA and for our profesión /Kalpana Shah and Ben Kemp - but were thinking long- term, too -- IFoA news. The latest IFoA updates and events. B. Features. 1O Interview: Paul Sweeting. The investment adviser and author of the SP9 textbock says following your interests and forming relationships are the real keys to a fulfilling career -- Pensions: Noise limitation. IFoA working party members on the advantages of a dynamic discount rate for defined benefit pensions -- Technology: Get with the program. It 's time actuaries woke up to the importance of coding in their profesión/ Guy Brett- Robertson -- Volunteer: The mark arts. How are IFoA exams set and marked? Sharad Bajla gives us a glimpse behind the curtain -- General insurance: Price it right /Yiannis Parizas takes us through the process of optimising a portfolio's pricing strategy -- General insurance: Flood money. Australia must tackle its crisis of home insurance affordability /Brundha Krishnamoorthi -- Modelling: Data science lab. Jacky Poon asks why actuaries aren't making more use of neural networks, and compares them with GBMs - Technology: Advance of the automaton. Large language models aren't on the way/ Chris Mullan - they're already here. Watch out for your Job! - Life: What's the climate like where you are?. IFoA working party members share their recent survey results on how climate change is affecting different roles in the life sector -- Risk: Big deals. New regulatory proposals would have implications for funded re, Kenny Cheng investigates -- C.At the Back. Extra-curricular. Dipsi Modi on her passion for the classical Indian dance Bharatanatyam -- Soft skills: Feelingsluggish? Demotivated at work, by your boss? Jenny Segal looks at the link -- Soft skills: Feelingsluggish? Demotivated at work, by your boss? Jenny Segal looks at the link - Puzzles -- People and society news. News from the actuarial community --  Student. IFRS 17 brings new ingredients to the table for actuarial students, says Simriddhi Goyal
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