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Futures Philanthropy : anticipation for the common good

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Futures Philanthropy : anticipation for the common good. — Copenhagen : Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies : Philea, 2024
58 p.
Sumario: It looks at how European philanthropy can apply foresight and futures thinking to live up to its potential of being forward-looking, risk-taking, and innovative, all the while encouraging anticipatory capacities within civil society and communities. The publication is a practical guide for foundation leaders, board members, philanthropy infrastructure practitioners, donors, advisors, philanthropy researchers and civil society professionals on how to navigate the contours of an ever-changing landscape and evaluate current and future risks and opportunitie
1. Filantropía . 2. Sociedad civil . 3. Innovación social . 4. Fundaciones . I. Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies . II. Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea) . III. Título.