Pesquisa de referências

Land, labbour and tenure: the institutional arragements of conflict and cooperation in comparative perspective : proocedings twelfth International Economic History Congress. Madrid, August 1998

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<title>Land, labbour and tenure: the institutional arragements of conflict and cooperation in comparative perspective</title>
<subTitle>: proocedings twelfth International Economic History Congress. Madrid, August 1998</subTitle>
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<namePart>International Economic History Congress Madrid 1998 20º</namePart>
<name type="personal" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080270384">
<namePart>Núñez, Clara Eugenia</namePart>
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<namePart>Universidad de Sevilla</namePart>
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<extent>187 p. 24 cm</extent>
<abstract>Theories of Tenacy and sharecropping -- Manor, management and production Relations: a estudy of institutions. Cistercians in the central countries of the middle ages -- Agrarian contracts in 1427 Tuscany -- Mortgage credits: a proto-capital market in the early stages of economic development: Massachusetts, 1642-1770 -- Freehold tenure in the late 18th century Denmark -- The abolition of labour services in 18th century Hungrary -- Corporate control of arable land in 17th-19th century Japan -- Vines and sharecropping: the case of Cataluña: 1700s-1930s -- The lingering survival of acient tenures in English -- Tenacy as a family strategy for survival in the Mid-19th century Ontario -- Paternalism or discrimination? Underlying factors in cash rental rate differences between blacks and whites in the US Postbellun south -- Contractual learning and institutional change: the evolution of the sugar cane contract in Cuba, 1889-1929 -- Land tenure contracts in post-gold rush California</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">Clara Eugenia Núñez ed.</note>
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<topic>Desarrollo agrícola</topic>
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