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How to set up a return to work program to include why and how : presentation outline

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<title>How to set up a return to work program to include why and how</title>
<subTitle>: presentation outline</subTitle>
<name type="personal" usage="primary" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080182779">
<namePart>Wilhelm, John M.</namePart>
<name type="personal" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080218096">
<namePart>Frazier, George C.</namePart>
<name type="personal" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080115203">
<namePart>Schull, Ben C.</namePart>
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<namePart>Risk and Insurance Management Society</namePart>
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<namePart>Annual RIMS Conference 31 1993 Orlando</namePart>
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<extent>6 p. 30 cm</extent>
<abstract>Introduction of the topic: welcome to the WC 101 "How to set up a return to work program to include why and how" -- Outline to the audience what will be covered -- What is a return to work program? -- Why is a return to work program needed -- What are the normal functional areas or responsibilities that need to be brought into the loop for program development, implementation and coordination? -- What steps need to be taken to set up a return to work program? -- When chould the program be developed and implemented? -- How should the return to work program be implemented and monitored -- Personal experiences with return to work programs -- Questions and answers -- If you feel workers , compensation is a problem and if you do not or have not tried a return to work program, it can be well worth yor while. Return to work programs are proactive, positive and send a carin message to the employees. The change in style or delivery can be very meaningful in controlling losses, increasing productivity, improving safety and reducing loss costs</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">John M. Wilhelm , George C. Frazier , Ben C. Schull</note>
<note>Donación de AGERS</note>
<note>Mesa redonda celebrada en la 31st Annual RIMS Conference, Orlando, 25 al 30 de abril de 1993</note>
<note>Esquema de la presentación</note>
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