Pesquisa de referências

Computer simulations for total firesafety design of the New Japanese Sumo Wrestling Headquarters and Stadium (Kokugikan)

Sato, Hiroomi
Computer simulations for total firesafety design of the New Japanese Sumo Wrestling Headquarters and Stadium (Kokugikan) / Hiroomi Sato and Tomio Ouchi
En: Fire safety science : proceedings of the First International Symposium. - p. 541-550
1. Modelización . 2. Seguridad contra incendios . 3. Comportamiento del fuego . 4. Propagación de humos . 5. Evacuación . 6. Estadios de fútbol . 7. Kokugikan . 8. Programas informáticos . I. Ouchi, Tomio . II. Título.