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Fight the safety naysayers : here's how to overcome resistance to your safety program

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Seção: Artigos
Título: Fight the safety naysayers : here's how to overcome resistance to your safety program / by Shane TritschAutor: Tritsch, Shane
Notas: Sumario: If managers see safety purely as cost, it's because they don't understand how lower accident rates and lower compensation costs can improve their financial situation. Safety professionals must sharpen their skills. They have to be able to market their successes, improve their selling skills within the organization and be able to make presentations using cost/benefit, quantifiable dataRegistros relacionados: En: Safety & health. - Itasca. - nº 6, June 1993 ; p. 50-54Materia / lugar / evento: Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo Programas de seguridad Organización de la seguridad Management Prevención de accidentes Participación de los trabajadores en la empresa Aspectos económicos Control de gestión Títulos secundários: Título: Safety & health
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