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A Case-control study of motor neurone disease : its relation to heritability, and occupational exposures, particularly to solvents

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A Case-control study of motor neurone disease : its relation to heritability, and occupational exposures, particularly to solvents / Lars-Gunnar Gunnarsson... [et al.]
Sumario: Motor neurone disease is a neurodegenerative disease with an inexorable progressive and fatal course. It encompasses the diagnoses of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, progressive bulbar palsy, and progressive muscular atrophy. The aetiology is still unclear but the past two decades of research have given increasing support to the hypothesis that environmental factors may have an aetiological role. Most evidence in the respect emanates from the studies concerning amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Guam, indicating an influence from ingested neurotoxins, glutamate, and other excitatory aminoacids or nutritional deficiencies of calcium or magnesium
En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 11, November 1992 ; p. 791-798
1. Medicina laboral . 2. Enfermedades profesionales . 3. Epidemiología . 4. Disolventes . 5. Enfermedades mentales . 6. Psiquiatría . I. Gunnarsson, Lars-Gunnar . II. Título. III. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.