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Respiratory problems among cotton textile mill workers in Ethiopia

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Respiratory problems among cotton textile mill workers in Ethiopia / Mentesinot Woldeyohannes... [et al.]
Sumario: This study investigated the prevalence of byssinosis and other respiratory problems among workers exposed to cotton dust in a textile mill in Ethiopia and also attempted to explore determinants by comparing the effect of cotton dust exposure of workers with respiratory tract diseases with those without such diseases
En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 2, February 1991 ; p. 110-115
1. Medicina laboral . 2. Epidemiología . 3. Enfermedades profesionales . 4. Vías respiratorias . 5. Polvo de algodón . 6. Algodón . 7. Industria textil . 8. Etiopía . I. Woldeyohannes, Mentesinot . II. Título. III. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.