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Further observations on the short-term retention and clearance of asbestos by rats, using UICC reference samples

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Título: Further observations on the short-term retention and clearance of asbestos by rats, using UICC reference samples / A.P. Middleton, S.T. Beckett and J.M.G. DavisAutor: Middleton, A.P.
Notas: Sumario: Rats exposed to UICC chrysolite A, amosite and crocidolite at concentrations close to 1,5 and 10 mg/m3 of respirable fibre for a total of 120 h over a 6-week period were killed in five groups at approximately monthly intervals. The asbestos retained in the lungs was estimated by infra-red spectrophotometry after ashing. The results indicated different initial fractional retentions but that the rate of clearance was independent of the type of asbestos and of the concentration during exposureRegistros relacionados: En: The Annals of occupational hygiene. - Oxford [etc.]. - nº 2, 1979 ; p. 141-152Materia / lugar / evento: Higiene industrial Contaminantes químicos Amianto Espectrofotometría Métodos de análisis Experimentos Otros autores: Beckett, S.T.
Davis, J.M.G.
Títulos secundários: Título: The Annals of occupational hygiene
Outras classificações: 872