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Strategies for preventing injuries

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Krikorian, Michael
Strategies for preventing injuries / Michael Krikorian
Sumario: The author outlines six ingredients of a good safety program, all of them in existence and use right now: the known precedent concept, management participation, housekeeping, control of accident potential, education and training, creating the right psychological climate, discipline
En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol, 122, nº 3, September 1980 ; p. 70-73
1. Programas de seguridad . 2. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 3. Accidentes de trabajo . 4. Prevención de accidentes . 5. Estrategia empresarial . 6. Management . 7. Formación . 8. Motivación . I. Título. II. Título: National safety news.