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Keeping them up in the air safely

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Lahey, James W.
Keeping them up in the air safely / by James Lahey
Sumario: Ladders and scaffolds are basic to plant maintenance. All should conform to appropriate safety code provisions. This article treats: when selecting one of the three types of ladders (wood, reinforced plastic, or metal); the safe use of ladders first calls for two types of inspection; maintaining ladders is a safe practice; scaffolds and scaffolding; mobile tubular scaffolds, both frame and folding sectional
En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol. 127, nº 2, February 1983 ; p. 32-35
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Accidentes de trabajo . 3. Prevención de accidentes . 4. Escaleras . 5. Escaleras móviles . 6. Mantenimiento . I. Título. II. Título: National safety news.