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How to put teamwork in your hazard control program

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Dionne, Edward D.
How to put teamwork in your hazard control program / by Edward D. Dionne
Sumario: Researchers have found that unity of purpose, teamwork, makes for outstanding managerial groups. This article includes: the administrator's daily schedule is crammed and packed with routine but vital work; leadership in any enterprise carries with it the burden of responsability; teamwork; controlling hazards, a team effort; management decision making; stablishing organizational policy
En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol. 128, nº 4, October 1983 ; p. 57-59
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Política de seguridad . 3. Organización de la seguridad . 4. Grupos de trabajo . 5. Programas de seguridad . I. Título. II. Título: National safety news.