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Face to face with welding hazards

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Geyer, Sherree
Face to face with welding hazards / by Sherree Geyer
Sumario: To avoid welding dangers, follow proper precautionary measures. This article contains: fumes and gases; light and radiation safeguards; how to prevent fires and explosions; lock out electric shock; train and inform welders
En: Safety & health. - Chicago. - Vol. 143, nº 4, April 1991 ; p. 52-55
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Prevención de accidentes . 3. Accidentes de trabajo . 4. Soldadura . 5. Humos tóxicos . 6. Vapores . 7. Explosiones . 8. Riesgo de incendio . I. Título. II. Título: Safety & health.