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Spectral analysis of erector spinae EMG during intermittent isometric fatiguing exercise

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Spectral analysis of erector spinae EMG during intermittent isometric fatiguing exercise / J.H. Van Dieën... [et al.]
Sumario: The applicability of EMG spectral analysis in the study of muscular fatigue of the erector spinae muscle was investigated. At three locations of the erector spinae muscle, representing different functional parts, EMG was sampled during fatiguing intermittent isometric extension of the trunk. The multifidus muscle appeared to show the most consistent changes of the EMG power spectrum as a consequence of fatigue
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 36, nº 4, April 1993 ; p. 407-414
1. Ergonomía . 2. Biomecánica . 3. Columna vertebral . 4. Fatiga . 5. Lesiones musculares . 6. Electromiografía . 7. Análisis espectrales . I. Dieën, Jaap H. van . II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.