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Fitts' Law with transmission delay

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Hoffmann, Errol R.
Fitts' Law with transmission delay / Errol R. Hoffmann
Sumario: It is shown a modified form of Fitts' Law applies when there is a transmission delay between control movements and feedback of system response to the operator. The model predicts, and experiemnts verify, that a multiplicative relationship holds between movement time. The model predictions fit the data in both regions, but with different coefficients
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 35, nº 1, January 1992 ; p. 37-48
1. Ergonomía . 2. Espacio de trabajo . 3. Ecuaciones matemáticas . 4. Ley de Fitts . 5. Tiempos de trabajo . 6. Comportamiento humano . 7. Condiciones de trabajo . I. Título. II. Título: Ergonomics.