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Evaluation of design practice and the implementation of ergonomics

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Mossink, J.C.M.
Evaluation of design practice and the implementation of ergonomics / J.C.M. Mossink
Sumario: In this paper the role of designers and design teams in design proyects concerning automation are investigated. In particular, posibilities and hindrances to the implementation of human factors in design procedures is explored. Two cases are discussed: small-scale office automation in regional administration; and design projects in batch-wise operated chemical industry. In both cases the aim was to explore the possibilities of developing design methods including ergonomic aspects that will fit those particular situations
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 33, nº 5, May 1990 ; p. 613-619
1. Ergonomía . 2. Diseño . 3. Diseño de sistemas . 4. Sistemas automatizados . 5. Proyectos . 6. Metodología . 7. Casos prácticos . I. Título. II. Título: Ergonomics.