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How display polarity and lighting conditions affect the pupil size of VDT operators

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Título: How display polarity and lighting conditions affect the pupil size of VDT operators / Sasitorn Taptagaporn and Susumu SaitoAutor: Taptagaporn, Sasitorn
Notas: Sumario: The objectives of this study were first to ascertain the effects of environmental lighting conditions and display polarity on pupil size, and to obtain the variation in pupil diameter for subjects consecutively viewing each CRT display type, script, and keyboard under three different lighting conditions; and second to ascertain the relationship between pupil diameter and the subjective evaluation of visual comfort while undertaking tasksRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 33, nº 2, February 1990 ; p. 201-208Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Pantallas de visualización de datos Tubo de rayos catódicos Condiciones de trabajo Iluminación Oftalmología Pruebas visuales Otros autores: Saito, Susumu
Títulos secundários: Título: Ergonomics
Outras classificações: 875