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Effects of acute exposure to ultrahigh radiofrequency radiation on three antenna engineers

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Título: Effects of acute exposure to ultrahigh radiofrequency radiation on three antenna engineers / Christopher J. SchillingAutor: Schilling, Christopher J.
Notas: Sumario: Three men were accidentally exposed to high leveles of ultrahigh frequency radiofrequency radiation while working on a television mast. They experienced an immediate sensation of intense heating of the parts of the body in the electromagnetic field followed by a variety of symptoms and signs which included pain, headache, numbness, and parastheiae, malaise, diarrhoea, and skin erythema. The most notable problem was that of acute then chronic headach involving the part of the head which was most exposedRegistros relacionados: En: Occupational and environmental medicine. - London and Margate. - Vol. 54, nº 4, April 1997 ; p. 281-284Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Radiofrecuencias Radiaciones no ionizantes Accidentes de trabajo Dolor Lesiones Enfermedades crónicas Títulos secundários: Título: Occupational and environmental medicine
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