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Work environment and low back pain : the influence of occupational activities

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Xu, Ying
Work environment and low back pain : the influence of occupational activities / Ying Xu, Elsa Bach, Elsa Orhede
Sumario: The main objectives of this study were: to identify occupational activities associated with low back pain; to measure the risks of low back pain for different individual activities and explore some possible dose-response relations
En: Occupational and environmental medicine. - London and Margate. - Vol. 54, nº 10, October 1997 ; p. 741-745
1. Medicina laboral . 2. Columna vertebral . 3. Lesiones . 4. Identificación de riesgos . I. Bach, Elsa . II. Orhede, Elsa . III. Título. IV. Título: Occupational and environmental medicine.