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Strategy vs. tactics : in safety performance improvement

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Killimett, Patrick T.
Strategy vs. tactics : in safety performance improvement / by Patrick T. Killimett and John H. Hidley
Sumario: Dealing with a safety "crisis" may offer inmediate rewards, but based on the lessons from TQM and behavioral psychology, those rewards aren't likely to include lasting safety improvement
En: Occupational hazards. - Oakland : National Safety Management Society. - April 1994 ; p. 43-47
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Prevención de accidentes . 3. Gestión de la seguridad . 4. Calidad total . 5. Análisis estratégico . 6. Producción . 7. Estrategia empresarial . I. Hidley, John H. . II. National Safety Management Society . III. Título. IV. Título: Occupational hazards.