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Setting risk priorities : a formal model

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Long, Jun
Setting risk priorities : a formal model / Jun Long and Baruch Fischhoff
Sumario: Model designed to capture the mayor aspects of setting priorities among risks, a common task in government and industry. The model has both design and context features. It is demonstrated in terms of two extreme ranking strategies: sequential risk ranking, and simultaneous risk ranking
En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London : Society for Risk Analysis. - Vol. 20, nº 3, June, 2000 ; p. 339-351
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Análisis de riesgos . 3. Modelos de simulación . 4. Percepción del riesgo . 5. Comunicación del riesgo . 6. Clasificación de riesgos . I. Fischhoff, Baruch . II. Título.