MAP20071502805 Christensen, Clayton M Foundations for growth : how to identify and buil disruptive new business / Clayton m. Christensen, Mark W. Johnson, Darrell K. Rigby The research indicates that if senior manager pursue this path and if the growth business they start or acquire are truly disruptive, companies will find it less difficult and risky than many have supposed to create wave after of new growth En: Sloan Management Review. - Boston. - nº 3,Vol. 43, Spring 2002 ; p. 22-31 1. Estrategia empresarial . 2. Política empresarial . 3. Innovación empresarial . 4. Dirección de empresas . 5. Riesgos . 6. Empresas . I. Johnson, Mark W . II. Rigby, Darrell K . III. Título.