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Faul in supervisory control : the effect of false alarms and support

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Seção: Artigos
Título: Faul in supervisory control : the effect of false alarms and support / José H. Kerstholt, Peter O. PassenierAutor: Kerstholt, José H.
Notas: Automation has changed the role of human operators from direct manual control to supervision. Their main task is to monitors whether system performance remains witthin pre-specific ranges and intervention is only required in unusual situations.The article reports two experiments: the first experiment investigates to what extent false alarms would effect performance and diagnosis behaviour when multiple disturbance occurred. The second experiments the effects of support on performance and diagnostic behaviour was investigatedRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 43, nº 9, September 2000 ; p. 1371-1389Materia / lugar / evento: Simulacros Falsas alarmas Mecanismos de reacción Dirección de conflictos Nuevas tecnologías Comportamiento humano Seguridad Otros autores: Passenier, Peter O.
Títulos secundários: Título: Ergonomics
Outras classificações: 874