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The Broader cultural of insurance : insurance and religions

Daniel, Jean-Pierre
The Broader cultural of insurance : insurance and religions / Jean-Pierre Daniel
When insurers attempt to account for the differentials in insurance penetration levels between differents countries, they invoke economic and cultural factors. The economic factors cannot be said to account for everything. Cultural factors come into play and it can be perceived that link with religion is crucial; because the four main religions present in that part of the world (islam, catholicism, judaism and protestantism) exhibit differents behaviours vis-a-vis insurance and the concepts underlying it
En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - 01/01/2003 Número 1 28 2003 , p. 102-110
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Análisis de mercados . 3. Aspectos culturales . 4. Religión . 5. Comportamientos empresariales . 6. Comportamiento del consumidor . I. Título.