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The Workers'comp blues : as insurance premiums soar, a focus on safety is the answer

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Gasper, Karen
The Workers'comp blues : as insurance premiums soar, a focus on safety is the answer / Karen Gaspers
Special report Surviving workers'comp
In a special report, Safety+Health looks at the problem businesses face with workers'comp, and how business leaders meet the chagenge of reducing exposure before and after a workers'comp case
En: Safety & health. - Itasca. - nº 3, March 2004 ; p. 26-32
1. Empresas . 2. Costes económicos . 3. Seguros de empresas . 4. Indemnizaciones . 5. Accidentes de trabajo . 6. Enfermedades profesionales . 7. Estados Unidos . I. Título. II. Título: Safety & health.