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Judging the urgency of non-verbal auditory alarms : a case study

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Arrabito, Robert G.
Judging the urgency of non-verbal auditory alarms : a case study / G. Robert Arrabito, Todd A. Mondor, Kimberley J. Kent
When designed correctly, non-verbal auditory alarms can convey different levels of urgency to the aircrew, and thereby permit the operator to establish the appropiate level of priority to address the alarmed condition. The conveyed level of urgency of five non-verbal auditory alarms presently used in the Canadian Forces CH-146 Griffon helicopter was investigated
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 47, nº 8, June 2004 ; p. 821-840
1. Pilotos . 2. Helicópteros . 3. Experimentos . 4. Emergencias . 5. Alarmas . 6. Percepción del riesgo . I. Mondor, Todd A. . II. Kent, Kimberly J. . III. Título. IV. Título: Ergonomics.