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Decrease of force capabilities as an index of upper limb fatique

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Roman-Lui, Danuta
Decrease of force capabilities as an index of upper limb fatique / Danuta Roman-Liu, Tomasz Tokarski and Radoslaw Kowalewski
The aim of this study was to assess upper limb fatique on the basis of the force change index (FCI), which expresses changes in developed force, and to demonstrate that this index differentiates muscle fatigue of the upper limb depending on external load
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 48, nº 8, 22 June 2005 ; p. 930-948
1. Ergonomía . 2. Fuerza física . 3. Métodos cuantitativos de medida . 4. Fatiga . 5. Trabajo repetitivo . 6. Fuerza muscular . I. Tokarski, Tomasz . II. Kowalewski, Radoslaw . III. Título. IV. Título: Ergonomics.