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Why mentoring matters in a hypercompetitive world

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DeLong, Thomas J.
Why mentoring matters in a hypercompetitive world / by Thomas J. DeLong, John J. Gabarro, and Robert J. Lees
Professional service firms (PSFs), like so many other companies, are juggling the modern challenges of global competition, increased regulation, and rapid employee turnover. In a people-oriented industry, attrition has special import. The authors argue that a PSF can gain a much-needed competitive edge by renewing its focus on mentoring. The authors' in-depth interviews with professionals from more than 30 PSFs have yielded four principles for firms to heed as they rediscover this lost art
En: Harvard Business Review. - Boston. - Vol. 86, nº 1, January 2008 ; p. 115-121
1. Gestión de recursos humanos . 2. Estrategia empresarial . 3. Talento . 4. Recursos humanos . 5. Selección de personal . I. Gabarro, John J. . II. Lees, Robert J. . III. Título. IV. Título: Harvard business review.