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Prevalence of occupational lung disease among Bostwana men formerly employed in the South African mining industry

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Título: Prevalence of occupational lung disease among Bostwana men formerly employed in the South African mining industry / T.W. Steen... [et al.]
Notas: Sumario: Objective: to determine whether previous health experiences affect the prevalence of occupational lung disease in a semirural Bostwanan community where there is a long history of labour recruitment to South African mines. Method: a cross sectional prevalence study of 304 former miners examined according to a protocol including a questionnaire, chest radiograph, spirometry, and medical examinationRegistros relacionados: En: Occupational and environmental medicine. - London and Margate. - Vol. 54, nº 1, January 1997 ; p. 19-26Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Minería Enfermedades profesionales Enfermedades pulmonares Sudáfrica Epidemiología Métodos de análisis Otros autores: Steen, T.W.
Títulos secundários: Título: Occupational and environmental medicine
Outras classificações: 873