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Active strategies for older workers

Seção: Livros
Título: Active strategies for older workers / edited by Maria Jepsen, David Foden, Martin Hutsebaut
Publicação: Brussels : ETUI, 2002Descrição física: 524 p. ; 21 cmNotas: The scientific debate on older workers -- Active strategies for olders wolkers: the european picture today -- positions and policies of employers'organisations and trade unions on active ageing in France, Germany and Great Britain -- Combating early exclusion from the labour markert: for the EUTC, a matter of urgency -- Active strategies for olders workers in Belgium, in Denmark, in Germany, in France, in Italy, in the Netherlands, in Finland, in Sweden and in the UK -- Active strategies for olders wolkers in the European Union. A comparative analysis of recent experiences -- Stastistical appendix -- Legislative appendix Materia / lugar / evento: Mercado de trabajo Desempleo Jubilación Seguridad Social Unión Europea Otros autores: Foden, David
Hutsebaut, Martin
Jepsen, Maria
European Trade Union Institute
Outras classificações: 44Números normalizados: ISBN 2-930143-96-7
Referencias externas:
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Assinatura: 44 ACT ACT — Nº de registro: 033046
Empréstimo: DisponívelDisponível