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What your leader expects of you : and what you should expect in return

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Título: What your leader expects of you : and what you should expect in return / Larry BossidyAutor: Bossidy, Larry
Notas: It's well understood that the relationships between a boss and his or her direct reports are important ones and figure strongly in the success of a team. Yet while much has been written about character traits and issues of openness and trust, the leadership literature has had strikingly little to say about what a leader should be able to expect from his peopleRegistros relacionados: En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - April 2007 ; p. 58-65Materia / lugar / evento: Dirección de empresas Trabajo en equipo Comunicación interna Organización del trabajo Liderazgo Relaciones laborales Otros autores: Hunter, Mark
Títulos secundários: Título: Harvard business review
Outras classificações: 922.12