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Effects of the deregulation of supervision on the selling of insurance

Seção: Artigos
Título: Effects of the deregulation of supervision on the selling of insurance / by Edgar JannottAutor: Jannott, Edgar
Notas: Sumario: When examining the Brussels EC Recommendation on Intermediaries of 18th December 1991, one gains the impression that against a background of wide-ranging deregulation of insurance law, the selling of insurance will not be deregulated, but on the contrary, will actually be subject to stricter regulation. At first sight therefore the Brussels Recommendation on Intermediaries appears to strike a discordant note amidst our general deregulatory euphoria. At the very least, liberal economists must find it well nigh intolerable in the context of virtually unrestrained endeavours towards liberalization and deregulation to apply stricter regulations to the salling of insuranceRegistros relacionados: En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - Tomo 20 Número 1 - 1995, p. 7-15Materia / lugar / evento: Mediación de seguros Unión Europea Normativa comunitaria Libre prestación de servicios Mercado de seguros Alemania Títulos secundários: Título: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance
Outras classificações: 213
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