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Behavioural implications of alarm mistrust as a function of task workload

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Seção: Artigos
Título: Behavioural implications of alarm mistrust as a function of task workload / James P. Bliss, Mariea C. DunnAutor: Bliss, James P.
Notas: The article investigates the effect of increasing primary task and alarm workload on alarm mistrut as reflected by alarm and primary task performnaces. The results supported the hypotheses: increasing primary task and alarm task workload degraded alarm response performance. Also, response frequencies supported earlier research suggesting that participants probability match their response rates to alarm system reliabilityRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 43, nº 9, September 2000 ; p. 1283-1300Materia / lugar / evento: Alarmas Simulacros Mecanismos de reacción Tiempo de reacción Lugares de trabajo Riesgo laboral Prevención de riesgos Otros autores: Dunn, Mariea C.
Davis, K.G.
Títulos secundários: Título: Ergonomics
Outras classificações: 874