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Insurance in Lebanon : facts and figures at 31-12-2002

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Seção: Documentos eletrônicos
Título: Insurance in Lebanon : facts and figures at 31-12-2002 / report by J. ZakhourAutor: Zakhour, J.
Publicação: Beirut : [s.n.], 2003Notas: Premium written in Lebanon -- Non life premium written in Lebanon -- Life premium written in Lebanon -- Multinational insurers operating in Lebanon -- Reinsurers conducting mideast business out of regional offices in Beirut -- Commerce and Trade -- Return of foreign investments -- Reconstruction -- GNP -- Beirut as a business CenterMateria / lugar / evento: Mercado de seguros Países árabes Seguro de vida Seguros no vida Líbano Estadísticas Outras classificações: 15