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Exposure assessment of biomechanical stress in repetitive manual work using frequency-weighted filters

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Título: Exposure assessment of biomechanical stress in repetitive manual work using frequency-weighted filters / R.G. Radwin, M.L. Lin and T.Y. YenAutor: Radwin, Robert G.
Notas: Sumario: A quantitative exposure assessment strategy for physical stress associated with repetitive manual tasks is proposed using continous biomechanical data measured directly form electrogoniometers or force sensors. This paper describes an efficient method for reducing large quantities of biomechanical data into a quantifiable metric that accounts for recognized musculoskeletal exposure factors, including repetitiveness, postural for forceful exertion stress, and durationRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 37, nº 12, December 1994 ; p. 1984-1998Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Enfermedades profesionales Síndrome del Trauma Acumulativo Biomecánica Estrés Microtraumatismos repetitivos Otros autores: Lin, Mei Li
Yen, Thomas Y.
Títulos secundários: Título: Ergonomics
Outras classificações: 875