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Best's Review-Número 12 102 2002


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 12 102 2002

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Unprecedented exposures : the 40th RIMS conference will address the new challenges faced by risk managers ranging from terrorist attacks to toxic mold and acconting irregularities
RIMS leadership pursues international scope
State vs. Federal : insurers and regulators continue to debate the pros and cons of insurance regulation as it is - on a state-by-state basis - and as some would like it to be - with an option for federal oversight
Home sweet home : insurers are examinig the risks and advantages of writing joint homeowners and renters policies for unmarried domestic partners
Common-sense claims reduction : insurers must recognize the need to educate construction contractors about coverage and liability, to solve the problem of rising claims costs
Mix and match : insurers are using various combinations of agents, the Internet, work-site marketing and direct marketing to shape the 21st-century distribution system
Alliances, acquisitions build direct-selling channels
Working on work-site sales
Looking at life sales in a new light
Trial by fire : terrorism and nuclear exclusions are limited in states that adhere to the standard fire policy
Standard fire policy dates back to 19th Century
Best friends : auto-body shops, former symbols of mom-and-pop businesses, are evolving into streamlined networks and offering attractive cost solutions for auto insurers
Fraud : the ugly side of the relationship
Looking at risk anew : some aspects of risk management - particularly subrogation and crisis response - are getting a closer look since the Sept. 11 attacks
Property/casualty marketplace
Growing captives : insight : more japanese captives are forming in Hawaii, because it offers economic, legislative and cultural advantages
Loss/Risk management notes
Breaking apart the monolith : insight : outsourcing should be considered for parts of insurers core business
Demand performance : as the american work force gets older, group health insurers feel prepared to handle the growing demand for health care
Living longer working longer
Making his mark : Christopher M. "Kip" Condron is hoping to use his extensive background in banking and financial services to position Axa Financial and its insurance subsidiary to compete for consumers savings
Thumbs up for specialization : insight : insurance companies with focused strategies are rewarded with higher market valuations
Life/Health marketplace
Data decisions : insight : how much insurers value control of customer data will determine how they deal with account aggregation
In Sync with customers : making the right technology investments is only part of the formula for insurers to achieve profitability, growth and market leadership. The key is to achieve an understanding of customers and to act on that knowledge
Insurers to boost e-business spending, survey finds
Core capabilities limit innovation : insight : often, underwriting, policy-administration and claims-management infrastructure is so restrictive that it cannot support business strategies
Hope foa a healthy marketplace : the nation's financially stressed long-term-care system needs an environment more friendly to private payors and private providers
Building a system that works
Head of N.Y. nursing homes champions reform
Insuring an independent lifestyle : consumer needs and government regulations have expanded long-term-care insurance to cover myriad services, but the evolution isn't complete
Cashing out : big banks and insurers are putting money into the business of buying unwanted life insurance policies, a trend that foreshadows growth for the still-new industry
Is there still room for viaticals?
Life settlement criteria
Switching gears : electronic rate and form filing can hasten product approvals, but adaptation is hampered by technological incompatibility and administrative procedures