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Best's Review-Número 10 100 2000


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 10 100 2000

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Extreme risks : as recreational adventurers attempt greater feats of daring, they chalenge underwriters of life, disbility and commercial liabiblity policies to cover them
Sailing on a rising tide : dentennial spotlight : this is the first in a series of historical perspective articles ont he insurance industry
Clean slate : buyers and sellers engaged in mergers and acquisitions look for insurance to protect them from unpleasant surprises
Catching fraud on the inside : internal auditors can be an issurers' main line of defense aginst internal fraud
Taking strides : Munich Re dominates reinsurance, but it keeps one foot in the primary side of the business
Silver lining shines through : reinsurance strategy tentaive rate hikes encourage reinsurance underwriters
Banding together : reinsurance : indez-based pooling provides a way for insurers with different geographic concentrations of risk to swap standardized catastrophe exposures
Sealing the deal : environmental insurance is chalking up greater premium volume as it eases the development of potentially polluted sites
Dangerous intersections : aMichigan auto insurer finds road-safety improvement cut losses
Driven out : as nursing home liability costs soar, exiting carriers spur market crisis
Property - casualty marketplace : auto insurers introduce fleet of ad campaigns : policy adds 50.000$ to help spread work of a major crisis ...
Insight : going global brings new risks : increasingly, small and midsize businesses have some type of foreign exposure, with business travel and foreign sales the most common
Loss/risk management notebook : scales forecast space storms that might disrupt life on Earth
Insight : OSHA standard hits a nerve : insurers think the government's proposed ergonomics standard could expose employers to new liability for workplace injuries