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World Insurance Report-Número 590 1998

Publicação: World Insurance Report

Número: Número 590 1998

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Comment : Max Factor
The markets : Ireland : Losses up in 1997 - Brazil : profitability falls - Iran : Growth rates ebb - Chile : updated Q1 results - New Zealand : crackdown on fraud
Law & supervision:US:Tobacco bill stubbed out-HR10 hits Senate wall-Japan:no agreement reached with US-Ireland:Ombudsman speaks out-Italy:Market players ponder reforms-Germany:BAV scrutinises market-Egypt:Parliament approves reform-UK-Mexico-Tanzania
Marine, aviation & transport : US : the Prop 213 gremlin - France : motor no-claims system under threat
Liability : Germany : liability law hits buffers - EU : genetics liability under microscope - UK: new risk exposures outlined - New Ogden tables herald higher premiums - US : RSI relief for insurers
Lloyd's : members' agent tells names to quit - New code for members' agents
Comment : Buffett spread
Reinsurers : EMLICO - Lehman Re - Minich Re; Yasuda F&M - Residential Re; USAA
General insurers: Aegon-AFG;Coface-AMP-Axa;Royal Belge-Cendant/RAC Motoring Services-CIGNA-Comerica-Fortis/Générale de Banque-Genertel-Gerling/Deutsche Bank-Mutuelles du Mans-NAMIC-Pohjantahti (North Star)-R&SA;Post Offiice Counters-Skandia;INA-Vesta
Lloyd's insurers : ACE; Charman Underwriting Agencies - Brockbank - CLM - LIMIT - Moody's/SURL - Ockham - Wellington
Specialist insurers : ACE/Creditor Resources Canada - American Club - CADRI - Euler - Skuld - Strategic Writers International - Swedish Club
Intermediaries : Aon/Auto Insurance Specialist - Bradstock Group - Christchurch - Oriel - Willis Corroon