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World Insurance Report-Número 634 2000

Publicação: World Insurance Report

Número: Número 634 2000

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
US reinsurance losses pile up: the us reinsurance industryns combined ratio blew out to 113.8% in 1999 following massive catatrophe losses
Munich Re goes to law: Holocaust-era insurance records
First SPV for Ireland
NAIC move on national licences: spurred by industry and federal governmenr pressure, the members of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners have commited themselves to making state regulation more efficient and uniform.
Diversification may not benefit p/c insurers
US P/C rates harden slightly: property and casualty rates across the US have hardened slightly over the last year for accounts of every size, suggests a new survey
Malaysia market bounces back
UK Government seeks to tax prudence: law & supervision
Singapore Mas liberalises insurance sector
Italy Government freezes motor liability rates
India Acquisition rules relaxed
India IRDA revises fire tariff
Marine insurers downbeat: 4th London Marine Insurance conference
JL Lones offers modular cover: Lloydns fixed-premium marine player JL Jones and Others has launched a modular policy that offers shipowners a combined first-party and third-party cover.
Mitsui establishes new siyndicate
General Insurers: Allianz, Pohjola, Albingia, MAA, Elte Leipziger, Folksam, Zurich, Axa, Cox.
Reinsurers: ReAC, QBE, Odyssey Re
Company Profile: The St Paul Companies
World Loss Log 10 March - 22 March: Late Reports/Updates, Property and Business Interruption, Marine, Road/Rail, Aviation, Liability, Awards, Sttlements, Natural Catastrophe