
All things come to those who wait green shoots for one out of four sectors

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All things come to those who wait green shoots for one out of four sectors. — Paris : Euler Hermes, 2014
(Economic outlook ; nº 1204)
Sumario: Groping their way -- All things come to those who wait -- Sector risks
by country : 24 downward revisions of risk and 14 upward revisions of risk at the end of 2013; 38 changes of sector risk ratings -- Agrifood and retail: under contrasting auspices for 2014 -- Automobile: in line with economic cycles -- Car component: profitable growth -- Chemicals: United States: 1 - Europe: 0 -- Pharmaceuticals: innovating more despite zero growth in R&D budgets -- Construction: new trends in 2014? -- information and communication technologies: how to create value without prices -- Paper: prices maintained through capacity adjustment -- Textile: focus on costs
1. Sectores económicos . 2. Análisis de riesgos . 3. Perspectivas económicas . I. Euler Hermes . II. Economic outlook ; nº 1204 .