
Estimating the cost of accidents and ill-health at work : a review of methodologies

Estimating the cost of accidents and ill-health at work : a review of methodologies / Marjolein de Weerd... [et al.], European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. — Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2014
(European Risk Observatory)
Sumario: Introduction -- The importance of health and safety in the workplace: EU policy action; the situation in the Member States -- Identification of models: methodology and results -- Comparative analysis -- Discussion of findings: Number of cases; Selection of studies; Methods for estimating the number of work-related accidents and ill health cases; Methods for estimating economic costs -- Discussion of findings: Number of cases; Costs by category
ISBN 978-92-9240-319-5
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Coste de los accidentes . 3. Metodología . 4. Métodos de estimación objetiva . I. Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo . II. European risk observatory report . III. Title.