
Multi-generational views on family financial obligations : a MetLife survey of baby boomers and members of generations X and Y

Multi-generational views on family financial obligations : a MetLife survey of baby boomers and members of generations X and Y. — New York : MetLife Mature Martket Institute, 2012
Sumario: The online survey of 2,123 Americans ages 21 to 65, conducted from June 29 to July 20, 2011, examined the level of financial responsibility respondents feel in a variety of family roles, including as a spouse, as a parent, as a child, and even as a grandparent. The study explored peoples¿ feelings of financial obligation to family on a variety of issues, such as paying for a child¿s college education, helping adult children who are struggling, or caring for aging parents and grandparents. The research explored how, if at all, these obligations have been factored into financial planning through the use of wills, trusts and inheritances, life insurance, and other financial products
1. Ahorro financiero familiar . 2. Transformaciones demográficas . 3. Productos financieros . 4. Cultura financiera . 5. Seguro de vida . 6. Generación baby boom . 7. Generación Y . 8. Generación X . 9. Estudios comparativos . 10. Encuestas . 11. Estados Unidos . I. Metlife Mature Market Institute .