Commission Delegated Regulation (EU), of 8 March 2019, amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015-35 supplementing Directive 2009-138-EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up...
MAP20190007344Commission Delegated Regulation (EU), of 8 March 2019, amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015-35 supplementing Directive 2009-138-EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of insurance and reinsurance (Solvency II). — Brussels : European Commission, 201964 p.
. — (C(2019) ; 1900 ; Final)Text with EEA relevanceSumario: Directive 2009/138/EC ('Solvency II'), as amended by Directive 2014/51/EU ('Omnibus II'), entered into application on 1 January 2016, replacing 14 existing directives (commonly referred to as 'Solvency I'). It introduces a modern and harmonised framework for the taking-up of business and supervision of insurance and reinsurance undertakings in the Union. Through the definition of risk-based capital requirements across all EU Member States, it allows for a risk-based regulation, enabling a better coverage of the real risks faced by insurers, and contributing to the dual objective of protecting policyholders and preserving the stability of the financial system1. Solvencia II. 2. Regulación general. 3. Empresas de seguros. 4. Empresas de reaseguros. 5. Servicios financieros. 6. Gerencia de riesgos. 7. Derecho de seguros. 8. Reaseguro. 9. Unión Europea. I. European Commission. II. Title.